Monday, October 17, 2011

Tile Tile and MORE Tile (and a hot water heater)

One necessity that needed to be updated was a hot water heater...kinda important. Call me spoiled, but this girls likes a hot shower. Dad and I picked up this little gem and installed it next to our new water manifold.

Another big project that was time consuming, but had GORGEOUS results was the master bathroom tile. Ill give you a few sneak peeks!

Small tiles around the shower that gave me some mad grouting skills.

Master bathroom floor tiles with fresh mortar.

We love an interesting thresh hold. You can see the opening for my little pocket door on the right.

Tiny glass tiles as a back splash above the vanity.

Stay tuned! I hope today I will be able to post a few more sneak peeks of things like : lights, trim, wall color, and my craigslist vanity bargain....


  1. Did you guys re-plumb the whole house? I love the water manifold, its a great upgrade!

  2. Scott - The master bathroom was built from scratch on the top floor of the house. We put in the manifold because the only way to turn off any water is the house was outside in the city shutoff. We will have to do some re-plumbing to the old pipes for kitchen, guest bathroom, and laundry room. They were done poorly or do not currently exist.
